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The Collecting the Past/Making the Future online exhibition has been designed as a resource to support the Key Stage 3 History Curriculum in Northern Ireland. The exhibition deals directly with the causes and consequences of partition and how it has impacted our lives today, one of the subject’s statutory requirements. You may find that most of the imagery on display through the website can be used to support teaching of the topics up to and including Key Stage 4.
Throughout this website you will find 'open book' icons to indicate learning prompts, questions and tasks around chosen collection items. These tasks are linked to various objectives across the History Curriculum as set out below
objective one
Developing pupils as individuals
Explore how history has affected their personal identity, culture and lifestyle. (Personal Understanding)
Investigate how history has been selectively interpreted to create stereotypical perceptions and to justify views and actions. (Mutual Understanding)
Explore issues related to Personal Health. (Personal Health)
objective two
Developing pupils as Contributors to Society
Investigate the long and short term causes and consequences of the partition of Ireland and how it has influenced Northern Ireland today including key events and turning points. (Citizenship)
Investigate the impact of significant events/ideas of the 20th century on the world. (Cultural Understanding)
Investigate critical issues in history or historical figures who have behaved ethically or unethically. (Ethical Awareness)
objective Three
Developing pupils as Contributors to the Economy and the Environment
Explore issues related to Economic Awareness. (Economic Awareness)
Investigate the need to preserve history in the local and global environment. (Education for Sustainable Development)